Seedling Packets
50 seedlings: Silky, Gray or Redosier Dogwoods; Red or White Oak; Fragrant Sumac; Serviceberry; Red or White Pine; White Spruce; Ninebark; Black Chokeberry; Arrowwood; Highbush Cranberry; and others.
Nut Packet *
10 seedlings 6-12": Red Oak, Black Walnut, White Oak, and American Hazelnut.
Wetland Packet*
10 seedlings 6-12" (2 of each): Highbush Cranberry, Silky Dogwood, Nannyberry, Ninebark, and American Larch.
Homeowner Packet*
10 seedlings 6-12" (2 of each): Sugar Maple, American Plum, Red Maple, White Spruce, and American Mountain Ash.
(Packet species are subject to change based on availability)
(* Native to Michigan)
50 seedlings: Silky, Gray or Redosier Dogwoods; Red or White Oak; Fragrant Sumac; Serviceberry; Red or White Pine; White Spruce; Ninebark; Black Chokeberry; Arrowwood; Highbush Cranberry; and others.
Nut Packet *
10 seedlings 6-12": Red Oak, Black Walnut, White Oak, and American Hazelnut.
Wetland Packet*
10 seedlings 6-12" (2 of each): Highbush Cranberry, Silky Dogwood, Nannyberry, Ninebark, and American Larch.
Homeowner Packet*
10 seedlings 6-12" (2 of each): Sugar Maple, American Plum, Red Maple, White Spruce, and American Mountain Ash.
(Packet species are subject to change based on availability)
(* Native to Michigan)