Many use the terms “evergreens” and “conifers” interchangeably. Both words often bring to mind a picture of a Christmas tree type of plant or the giant pine tree in the front yard, and while the two terms can at times describe the same species of tree, they are not synonymous. Not all evergreens are conifers. An evergreen is a tree that does not lose all of its leaves during the cold or dry season, which differentiates itself from deciduous trees, whose leaves turn color and fall off in the fall and grow back in the spring. A conifer, on the other hand, is a plant that uses cones to reproduce. In fact, the word “conifer” literally means “cone"bearing” in Latin. This is why pine trees and conifers are usually thought of in the same context.
Red Cedar *
White Cedar * Common Juniper * American Larch (Tamarack) * Jack Pine * Red Pine * White Pine * Black Spruce * Blue Spruce Norway Spruce White Spruce * *Native to Michigan |